
DCs of Islamabad, Pindi pledge joint anti-dengue efforts

02:17 PM, 12 May, 2024
DCs of Islamabad, Pindi pledge joint anti-dengue efforts

ISLAMABAD: Deputy commissioners of Islamabad and Rawalpindi vowed to take joint measures to curb the spread of dengue in the twin cities at a recent meeting held at the former’s office.

The meeting was aimed at synchronizing strategies for dengue prevention in the twin cities.

The administrations of Islamabad and Rawalpindi have collaborated to combat the spread of dengue fever, says the spokesman for ICT administration.

Attended by administrative officers, district health officers, and the CEO of DHA Rawalpindi, the meeting was also attended by representatives of the Capital Development Authority (CDA), MCI, and relevant departments.

At the meeting, discussions primarily focused on collaborative action plans, particularly targeting border areas shared by the two districts.

The meeting decided that joint operations will be conducted to eradicate dengue larvae and disrupt disease transmission in the twin cities.

The spokesman says the decision to coordinate efforts underscores a proactive approach by the authorities to address the pressing issue of dengue fever.

By pooling resources and expertise, Islamabad and Rawalpindi administrations aim to strengthen their defenses against the disease, ensuring the health and well-being of residents of both cities.

These unified efforts against dengue mark a significant step in the ongoing battle to safeguard communities from vector-borne diseases. With coordinated strategies and a shared commitment to public health, Islamabad and Rawalpindi administrations are actively combating the threat of dengue fever, he said.