
Anti-tetanus shots shipment arrives to ease shortage

MN Report 03:26 PM, 26 May, 2024
Anti-tetanus shots shipment arrives to ease shortage

ISLAMABAD: In an important development, a shipment of anti-tetanus injections has arrived in the country, offering a glimmer of hope amid a scarcity of the vital medical supply, as per sources in the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (Drap) reveals.

The Drap sources say a local pharmaceutical company has successfully manufactured 1.5 million doses of the injection, which will be delivered to the Punjab government immediately after undergoing rigorous quality testing. These shot will be available for distribution within 15 days, according to the sources.

The timely arrival of this consignment addresses a pressing need as both government and private hospitals grapple with a shortage of anti-tetanus injections. Pharmacies throughout the city are reporting dwindling stocks, exacerbating the challenge for the patients in need of urgent medical care.

Manufacturers attributed the shortage to production disruptions at an international company, underscoring the complex supply chain challenges exacerbating the situation.

The scarcity of these injections raised concerns among medical professionals, particularly regarding the timely administration of treatment to those injured in accidents. Experts stress that administering the injection within 72 hours of an injury is crucial to prevent potential bacterial infections and mitigate health risks associated with wounds.

This much-needed shipment is expected to lessen the strain on medical facilities and ensure timely access to life-saving treatment for those in need.