
How to be body neutral

Nehl Noman 04:33 PM, 29 Jul, 2022
How to be body neutral

There are numerous times when we look in the mirror and we do not like what we see. We vow to make lifestyle changes: eat healthily, and exercise more. We do all this in an attempt to make our bodies “acceptable”, and to be able to embrace them. However, our bodies are just one aspect of our unique identities and we do not always have to love how it looks. Truly embracing your body, however it may look, and for all that it does, is the embodiment of the body neutral movement.

The Basics

The human body is a wondrous thing, and body neutrality promotes its embracement for all that it is- not just for its appearance. Our body houses all of our vital organs which work harmoniously together to keep us alive. It also houses our mind and spirit- traits essential to one's personality. Body neutrality challenges the notion that your looks define your worth and encourages you to recognize all of its amazing capabilities. It is realistic and keeps in mind the idea that you cannot always love your body, but this does not mean that you cannot live happily or well.

The Origin

The movement was started following the concerns related to the body positivity movement. Such concerns included the feelings of exclusion felt by coloured, disabled, larger-bodied and LGBTQ+ people. Also, it still took physical appearances into account while talking about self-worth. Some people have even referred to the body-positive movement as "toxic positivity".

The Difference Between Body Positivity And Body Neutrality 

Body positivity focuses on the idea that every body is beautiful and you should love it however it is. Conversely, the body neutrality movement emphasizes accepting and respecting your body, even if you do not think it is beautiful or do not love it every single day. It focuses on your body's functions and what it can do. It demonstrates the fact that your body is only one aspect of your existence- not its entirety. 

The Practice

You can implement the following in your lives to practice body neutrality:

●      Cut the body talk

Stop having conversations about people's, and your own, bodies. Do not pass comments on how you or somebody else looks like. For example, stop beating yourself up when you do not fit into some clothes and just find something you are comfortable in. Clothes are supposed to fit you, not you into clothes. 

●      Redirect Conversations

Whenever somebody brings up how their body looks and expresses dissatisfaction, shift the conversation from how their body looks to how they feel about it.

●      Eat what you want

Opt for healthy food which is fulfilling and provides nourishment to your body. Also, fulfill those cravings for snacks or desserts and enjoy yourself. 

●      Listen to your body

Indulge in healthy physical activities which you find fun rather than ones you hate. Rest when your body needs it instead of over-working it or burning yourself out.

●      Take your time

Changing your thought process and habits takes time. Cut yourself some slack while you learn to be body neutral

Nehl Noman

The author is contributing writer at Medical News Pakistan and can be reached at