
First Conference on Voice and Swallowing Disorders

admin 11:47 AM, 28 Mar, 2015

1st national conference on communication, voice and swallowing disorders (NCCVS) was organized by College of Speech Language and Hearing Sciences at Ziauddin University in collaboration with Speech and Hearing Association of Pakistan.

Both social service entities have taken a critical step in organizing a national level conference where different professionals came together to share insights on well integrated multidisciplinary treatments to those affected by communication, voice and swallow disturbances.

The conference discussed disease mechanisms and novel therapies, focusing on most of the current trends, development and the achievements in the field of speech and language therapy and current researches by young scientists in an intellectually stimulating and interactive environment.

Vice Chancellor Dow University of Health Sciences - Prof Dr Masood Hameed discussed the importance of deploying adequate human resource to deal with the challenging tribulations of the society such as communication disorders.

He appreciated the intricate efforts of Ziauddin University in establishing nation’s first college in this profession. He said “We must impart expertise and we must learn in order to transfer it to younger generation, which is the future of Pakistan.”
Vice Chancellor Ziauddin University - Prof Dr Pirzada Qasim showed his conviction for the success of College of Speech Language & Hearing Sciences. He said that the distinction of Ziauddin University is the quality of education and system of academic discipline. Our graduates are well equipped with knowledge and positively contribute in their professional fields. “A breakdown at any point in the communication chain can be emotionally tormenting to the individual and to the family”, he added.
Principal College of Speech Language & Hearing Sciences, Amina Siddiqu said that “communication is inherent to our existence; it is the divine blessing that makes us who we are. It is essential to initiate intervention for over 23 million inflicted with communication disorders in Pakistan, and to establish training programs for furthering the profession of speech and language therapy in our country.
One of the outcomes of this conference is to place “Pakistan on the world map in the field of speech language pathology”, she explained.
Ms Tara Uzra highlighted the importance of communication in a society.  She expressed her hopes saying that; may the conference serve as the bridge to eliminate the breach in the society, created due to the lack of communication. 
Mahnaz Maqbool recalled the earlier period when children with differences were shunned from the society and hidden in their homes never to be seen or heard. She explicated the audience regarding our current educational system, its downside, and ways to alter it to address both the rich and the underserved equally.