US doctors and nurses urge White House to end military support for Israel

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2024-07-29T09:31:00+05:00 Press Release

American doctors and nurses volunteering in Gaza hospitals have penned a letter to the White House calling for an immediate ceasefire and an arms embargo in the region.

A group of 45 American healthcare professionals addressed their concerns to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. The letter describes their distressing experiences, noting that they witnessed severe injuries, particularly among children, and that their work involved treating numerous cases of head and chest wounds daily.

In their letter, the signatories express the emotional toll of their experiences, stating, “We cannot remain silent about what we have seen. The screams and pleas for help from those we could not save haunt us daily.”

The doctors and nurses argue that the United States has a responsibility to address the human cost of the conflict, calling for an arms embargo on both Israel and Palestinian armed groups, as well as a halt to military, diplomatic, and economic support to Israel until a permanent ceasefire is achieved. They assert that this course of action is both a moral obligation and in accordance with American and international humanitarian law.

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