FDA approves Vonoprazan (Voquezna) for GERD heartburn relief

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2024-12-28T09:00:00+05:00 Press Release

WASHINGTON: The US Food & Drug Authority (FDA) has approved vonoprazan (Voquezna), a new daily treatment for heartburn associated with non-erosive gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in adults. Unlike traditional proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) like Nexium and Prilosec, Voquezna works by blocking stomach acid secretion using a small-molecule potassium-competitive acid blocker (PCAB). Clinical trials showed that Voquezna significantly increased the number of heartburn-free days compared to a placebo. Common side effects include abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, and nausea. This approval offers an alternative to PPIs, which may have long-term side effects like bone fractures and kidney disease.

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