DUHS collaborates for Tree-plantation campaign, starting April 28th

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2019-04-26T14:59:02+05:00 admin
KARACHI: The Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS) in collaboration with the Pakistan Navy and a Private Construction Company will plant two thousand plants on the coast.

Around 150 students of the university along with other faculty members is scheduled to volunteer for the task at the PNS Himalaya Manora Base on 28th April 2019. A group comprising 30 people will also head to Manora, under the supervision of Abdul Rashid, the Chief Executive Officer of Maymar Housing Services.

Assistant Professor, Biochemistry, Dow International Medical College, Dr Mehnaz Nuruddin Gitay, said that planting trees has, fortunately, become a national agenda with growing awareness among the patriotic people of Pakistan. Plants play a vital role in controlling climate and can impact global warming by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere which is a significant greenhouse gas. With plantation happening all around Pakistan, the idea of planting trees at the seaside is much applauded by minds endeavoring for environmental betterment.

She said this while speaking at the meeting to initiate community drive and contribute to the betterment of Pakistan’s atmosphere.

She informed that in order to restore Pakistan’s healthy atmosphere, the DUHS is initiating a community drive to plant trees and bring about a reforestation change. The name of the Drive is “GROW GREEN BREATHE CLEAN” and to begin with it, volunteers from the DUHS will be planting trees at the Manora naval base on the 28th of April 2019. It will be hard work and exercise, so volunteers are advised to come prepared with water and some energy supplies in their individual kits to keep them energized and hydrated, independently of the whole unit.

She said that trees at the seaside serve as a windshield against the strong winds of the sea.

Plantation here serves as the habitat for sea fauna and flora. It serves as a barrier against storms and floods. It draws minerals towards land making the land more fertile. More oxygen is generated to help life in and around the sea. Above all, it does not demand a lot of care and attention from us.

She further said the need for plantation and growing green is a global requirement today. Not only to give generations ahead of a stable, green world for survival but to have a pleasant today, it is our duty to take care of the needs of mother earth.
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