
The Era of Drug Resistance and Abuse

Dr Rimsha Qasim 08:26 PM, 23 May, 2022
The Era of Drug Resistance and Abuse

Drug Resistance is treated as a global threat by the World Health Organization (WHO). It happens when antimicrobial drugs are misused and abused. So, what is drug resistance exactly?

Drug resistance occurs when bacteria, viruses, or fungi do not respond to antimicrobials due to mutations that make the infections harder to treat, ultimately leading to the spread of infections and giving rise to new types of infectious strains. These mutated bacteria are called superbugs. Antibiotics like augmentin and Flagyl are easily available without even a prescription in Pakistan; hence, this ease of availability and further, the unwarranted doctor prescriptions have caused people to not only abuse them but also be unaware of the hazards.

Why Is Drug Resistance a Problem?

Bacteria develop antibiotic resistance; our bodies do not. A bacteria which required a certain drug to be treated before is not responding to the same drug anymore. Ultimately, an infection that used to get treated at home requires hospitalization. Furthermore, this not only puts a burden on our health but the economy too. In Pakistan, resistance against quinolones has increased a lot for Enterobacteriaceae. 

At this rate, without any possible intervention, we may find that there is not a single antibiotic left to treat any kind of bacterial infection. A world of antibiotic resistance can lead to deaths from common infections.

The more we try to kill bacteria with the abuse of antibiotics, the more chances bacteria have to develop new genetic makeup to resist those antibiotics. The less we use, the fewer bacteria can mutate and pass on their genes.

Causes of Drug Resistance

- Irrational prescriptions

- Self-medication

- Incomplete dosage

- Poor hygiene and sanitation

- Absence of newer drugs

Side Effects of Drug Resistance

- Treatment options become limited.

- Enhance the risk of severe illness and even death.

- Hospitalization.

- Increased costs.

- Chronic problems.

- Frustration and increased irritability.

- Relapse of infections.

How Can This Be Prevented?

WHO agreed to a Global Action Plan as the whole world needs to get on top of this problem. In Pakistan, prescription abuse and over-the-counter availability of drugs such as Xanax, Ritalin, and antibiotics such as Augmentin and Flagyl need to be tackled. We are seeing newer and more dangerous strains of bacteria, which should be alarming for the population and the government. The development of resistance needs to be slowed down if not eliminated. Only taking prescribed medication, not missing a dose, and avoiding self-medication are some major important steps of prevention.

Conclusively, drug resistance which is deemed as an end of modern medicine, is a public health threat that needs to be addressed by all nations. We as people need to be aware of the drugs we are putting into our bodies and increase our knowledge regarding antibiotics and their effects. Doctors have to stop overprescribing drugs and be wary of the social and economic burden. Apart from this, the government has to actively start campaigns regarding drug resistance.

Dr Rimsha Qasim

The author is contributing writer at Medical News Pakistan and can be reached at