Air ambulance service on Punjab motorways soon

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Announcing that the Punjab government is set to introduce an air ambulance service on motorways, provincial health ministers Khawaja Salman Rafique and Khawaja Imran Nazir termed the development a "golden chapter" in the province's history, during a recent meeting at the Project Management Unit (PMU).
Mr Rafique described the air ambulance service as a flagship program of the Punjab government, emphasizing its benefits for the patients. 
"For the first time in Punjab’s history, we are launching an air ambulance service, ensuring swift medical assistance for critical cases on motorways. Training sessions are underway to equip rescue teams with the latest skills needed for this service," he said.
Mr Nazir highlighted the comprehensive planning involved in the initiative. "We have briefed DHQ hospitals across the province on the upcoming air ambulance and motorway emergency services. Ensuring the supply of medicines and doctors to remote hospitals is a priority. We are committed to providing the highest quality treatment to our people," he affirmed.
The air ambulance service is expected to significantly reduce response times for emergencies on motorways, enhancing overall healthcare delivery in the region, he said.

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