
Rich get richer because of COVID-19 warns Oxfam

MN Report 03:53 PM, 17 Jan, 2022
Rich get richer because of COVID-19 warns Oxfam
Source: Twitter @Oxfam

KENYA: According to a new analysis released by Oxfam International, the income of the top ten wealthiest individuals has risen throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. 

It resulted in igniting inequality that contributes to the deaths of at least 21,300 people every day. 

"We enter 2022 with unparalleled worry," according to Oxfam's Inequality Kills assessment, which claims that the world's present condition of high inequality is a sort of "economic violence" against the world's poorest people and governments. 

The report stated that in today's severely unequal society, structural and systemic policy and political considerations were skewed favouring the wealthiest and most influential, resulting in detriment to the majority of ordinary people around the world, using the COVID-19 vaccine disparity as an example.

"Millions of people might still be alive today if they'd had a vaccine," Oxfam stated. "But they're dead, denied a chance while giant pharmaceutical corporations have monopoly control of these technologies." 

According to the analysis, 252 males own more money than the total wealth of one billion women and girls throughout Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Furthermore, ten of the world's wealthiest men own more than the world's poorest 3.1 billion people.

Moreover, while the wealthy became even wealthier as a result of the pandemic, the earnings of 99 per cent of humanity plummeted.