World Diabetes Day - Sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle causes Diabetes: Experts

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2014-11-14T14:09:54+05:00 admin

Karachi: Approximately 20 million people are living with diabetes in Pakistan and number may reach 40 million in 2034.
The World Diabetes Day observed globally on the 14th of November with an aim to raise awareness regarding diabetes, its complications and the care that people with this condition require.

Renowned Dialectologist Professor Dr Zaman Sheikh said that there are two types of diabetes out of which 2 million people are living with Type–I in Pakistan, while 18 million people are suffering from Type-II Diabetes. He said Pakistan ranks 10th globally in terms of Diabetes cases reported annually and that during the coming years Diabetes can create an alarming situation in the country if preventive measures are not taken in this regard. 

Prof Shaikh said 285 million people are suffering from diabetes in the world and the number of cases is expected to reach 480 million in 2030 with a staggering 45 percent increase. He said that excessive food intake & less exercise, junk food, soft drinks, obesity, poverty and sedentary life-style increase the risk of contracting Diabetes. 

He revealed that the two major reasons behind the development of Diabetes include family/ genetic factors and environmental factors.  He explained that there are 25 percent chances of contracting Diabetes in a child if his/her mother or father have been suffering from the condition. He also said that the risk of developing Diabetes among children increases up to 75 percent if both parents of the child have the condition. 

Responding to a question regarding the Diabetes prevalence in Sindh, Prof Zaman Shaikh said that the situation in Sindh province is more serious compared to other provinces primarily due to lack of education and awareness about the Diabetes in the interior, rural region of the province.

He stressed the need of raising awareness and educating the people about diseases like Diabetes. He advised people avoid junk food, consume a proper, regular, balanced diet, exercise daily, maintain weight, adopt a stress-free lifestyle and visit doctors for regular checkups and diagnostic tests. These measures are necessary to keep diseases at bay and to remain healthy and happy.

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