
BMJ: Can AI diminish health inequities in primary health care?

12:44 PM, 13 Dec, 2022
BMJ: Can AI diminish health inequities in primary health care?

USA: In the upcoming decade, Artificial intelligence (AI) largely take over primary healthcare. While current primary healthcare access provides both the facilitation and prevention of healthcare inequities, researchers believe artificial intelligence shall move to fill in the gaps that current primary healthcare objectives face today.

Therefore, there is a need for a holistic approach towards AI in healthcare, this peer reviewed research article seeks to analyse the benefits and the shortcomings of AI in primary health. Scientists searched for literature on AI, health ineqalities, and challenges of AI in primary care. Out of a total of 1529 publications, 86 met the inclusion criteria.

The findings were analysed and grouped into six categories for both the positive and effects outcomes of AI, these included: access, trust, dehumanisation, agency for self-care, algorithmic bias and external effects.

The research concluded that AI has the potential to positively affect and diminish, health inequities in various ways, through both, patient consultation and transformation of the primary care system. This review provides the basis for future research into AI and a futuristic approach towards primary health.