
Here's How Watermelon Can Contribute To Weight Loss

Dr Rida Qamar 02:07 PM, 13 Apr, 2022
Here's How Watermelon Can Contribute To Weight Loss

It wasn't long ago when the watermelon diet was all the rage. The summer fruit doesn't only help you lose weight but also reduces toxins. At least that's what the internet likes to believe.  

While there is nothing better than a cool wedge of watermelon on a hot summer day if it also contributes to weight loss, we are all up for it! 

How Watermelon Aids Weight Loss?

Keep in mind that when you're dehydrated, the chances of you reaching for food are high. You feel sluggish and drained, and you'll do just about anything to give yourself a boost. Eating watermelon or a glass of water would be a much better alternative than eating and helping your body. The high water content of watermelon can do the trick and can be more fun.

Watermelons are low in calories and high in water content keeping the person full for long. Not only that, they are a rich source of fibre and essential nutrients like vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamins B1 and B6, lycopene, potassium and magnesium.

A single slice of watermelon contains about 5 per cent of the recommended intake of fibre which promotes satiety. 

Good For Digestion As Well

According to nutritionists, watermelon is also a perfect food to aid digestion. The low intake of carbs and fibres can often lead to poor digestion. Watermelon can do wonders to keep the digestive process going. 

Other Benefits Of Watermelon 

Watermelons can also be a great source of amino acids and antioxidants. They have a wide range of benefits and can prevent heart diseases and other conditions. Watermelon is also a good source of vitamin C, which is crucial for tissue growth and repair. 

Watermelon Recipe You Can Try 

As much as you would like to eat it raw, it gets boring to eat plain fruits. Hence, trying out new ways to incorporate it into your diet can be a lot of fun. Watermelon and basil cooler is one of the easiest ways to add watermelon to your diet. You can also try a watermelon salad filled with your favourite fruits and topped with some tangy lemon juice and black pepper. 

Dr Rida Qamar

The author is contributing writer at Medical News Pakistan and can be reached at