
Expert calls for removing stigma surrounding mental health issues

Press Release 02:30 PM, 6 Aug, 2024
Expert calls for removing stigma surrounding mental health issues

ISLAMABAD: Warning of a global surge in mental health issues, a prominent health expert, Dr Afzal Malik, has urged collective action to improve mental well-being, reduce stigma, and support those struggling with stress and negativity.
Dr. Malik, a known public health specialist, stressed the need to shun the stigma surrounding mental illness to create a supportive community that fosters healing and hope. He highlighted the urgency for public awareness, collective action, and community support to address this pressing issue.
He cited alarming statistics, suggesting that between 50pc to 70pc of the global population will encounter a mental health issue during their lifetime. 
He pointed out that stigma remains a significant barrier to seeking help, as fear of judgment, shame, and rejection often compel individuals to suffer in silence, exacerbating their conditions.
"By speaking out and sharing our experiences, we can break the silence and cultivate a culture of understanding and empathy," Dr. Malik asserted.
He said that addressing the crisis requires a unified approach, involving governments, healthcare systems, communities, and individuals working collaboratively to enhance mental well-being, provide accessible support services, and combat stigma
Dr. Malik proposed that pooling resources and expertise could help establish a comprehensive support network that empowers individuals to seek help and find healing.
Responding to a query, Dr. Malik explained that stress and anxiety significantly impact physical health, affecting various bodily functions. Stress triggers the body's "fight or flight" response, leading to increased temperature, accelerated heart rate, and elevated blood pressure as the body prepares to confront perceived threats.
To combat stress, anxiety, and negativity, Dr. Malik recommended a journey of self-discovery, beginning with a critical evaluation of lifestyle and eating habits, advising a balanced diet rich in whole foods, fruits, and vegetables, and avoiding processed and sugary foods. 
He also suggested regular exercise, adequate sleep and practices such as meditation and yoga to help calm the mind and rejuvenate the body.
Furthermore, Dr. Malik encouraged recognizing and challenging negative thought patterns, replacing them with positive affirmations and self-compassion.